I bought a purple Snuggie last month. There, I admitted it.
When Snuggies started invading my info-merical space, I rolled my eyes with the rest of America. And this, from a person that wants every "As Seen On TV" item available, even the ones I have literally no use for (why would I need a Garden Weasel's Gardening Claw with no yard, no garden and absolutely no intention of growing anything??) But Snuggies have taken over the US, with a WORLD RECORD set by Anaheim Angel fans that beat out the record previously set by Clevland Cavaliers. Really? The first record set is ridiculous, now this is something to be beaten??
Let's look at the facts about Snuggies. A Snuggie is a blanket. With arms. That's it. Couldn't we just use, say, a blanket? What is it about the Snuggie that makes it so tantalizing? The commercial has someone acting "trapped" in her blanket while trying to get the remote control. I guess I can commend them on making blankets look like suffocating, devlish monsters...
Help! This blanket is trying to KILL me!
Who is there to save the day? Why, none other than SNUGGIE, the blanket... with arms! Now we've got snuggies for dogs
Snuggies for babies (this one is slightly frightening, please us caution)
Anyone else thinking about the Alien Chestburster right now?
Annnnd... Snuggies for... Monsters?
So why did I buy one? Well, a recent visit to Target found me face to face with a Snuggie in my favorite color. How could I not? I am not afraid to admit that when I got my Snuggie home, sat on my bed, put it on and read, I found how nice it was to be completely covered while holding my book on my lap. Snuggie had turned me. I love my Snuggie!!