Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The End of Something I Half-Hoped Would Go On Forever

"Hope and fear come from feeling that we lack something; they come from a sense of poverty. We can’t simply relax with ourselves. We hold on to hope, and hope robs us of the present moment. We feel that someone else knows what is going on, but that there is something missing in us, and therefore something is lacking in our world."
— Pema Chödrön (When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times)

I find myself constantly thinking about the realities that I am hoping for. I am hoping he will change and make things better for us. I am hoping that I will save up that money, that I will lose that weight, that I will pay off those student loans - essentially that I will be something better and more shiny once I get somewhere. Where that place is, I don't know. What am I really doing with all of this hope? I feel like I'm living in a world that does not exist, and ignoring my reality. I am always working for that thing, that hope.

I feel clueless and helpless. How do I find my here and now? How do I just relax in it?